Undine Barge Club, a rowing club on prestigious Boathouse Row in Philadelphia, recently upgraded its dock system with a BoardSafe Rowing Dock. The club operates year-round with a racing team, summer racing programs, and a masters rowing club.
The rowing club is located at #13 Boathouse Row in the historic row of boat houses along the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The club was founded in 1856.
Work Scope and Specifications
The following components were installed:
- One (1) 12-foot by 60-foot low-profile floating dock
- Supplied in Six (6) 6-foot by 20-foot dock sections
- Aluminum frames
- Composite decking
- Plastic encapsulated floats
- Corner bumpers
- Rub rail
- Stainless steel fasteners
- One (1) 12-foot by 8-foot diverter dock
- One (1) 6-foot by 20-foot connector dock
- One (1) hinged, mounting angle (for attachment between gangway and connector dock)
- Dock-to-dock mounting kits
- The freeboard along the 60-foot, river side of the dock is approximately 4.5 to 5.0 inches.
BoardSafe’s aluminum floating rowing docks are the highest-quality rowing docks available. Engineered for performance, our rowing docks for this project have low-profile plastic-encapsulated foam floats with a 4.5”-5″ freeboard, and feature the same commercial quality as our floating docks.
To learn more about BoardSafe’s unique capabilities when designing rowing centers, watch one of our project videos here:
Texas Rowing Center – the World Class Rowing Center Built by BoardSafe Docks
Customers interested in replacing or constructing rowing docks are encouraged to consult with our Rowing Dock specialists. Contact us through our website at BoardSafeDocks.com, or call 610–899-0286 and allow us to evaluate your project.