On September 11, 2015, after installing the first BoardSafe Adaptive Kayak Launch, at Leaser Lake, Dan Smalley and Jason Strozyk from BoardSafe Docks met with a number of Disabled Paddlers and representatives from the Leaser Lake Heritage Foundation to discuss what adaptive features needed to be added to the launch.
Located in the foreground are a cooler, two concrete blocks, and a cardboard box — This was the prototype for the first BoardSafe Boarding Bench with pullout seat. The bench was built and installed. The day before the dedication, the idea of installing the roll cage with straps and the overhead grab bar was proposed. Within 12 hours of the discussion, the items were manufactured and installed, literally a few hours before the ribbon cutting. This is a testament to the dedication and passion the BoardSafe Team has for the BoardSafe Adaptive Kayak Launch.