Rowing Docks for Rowing Centers
BoardSafe manufactures the highest quality aluminum floating rowing docks for rowing centers around the country. High schools, colleges, universities, and rowing associations rely on the quality and performance of BoardSafe’s experience and crafting of heavy-duty materials for rowing center docks. The aluminum floating docks have a modular design for a variety of layout options that allow rowing teams to select from a range of standard sizes to design and build a layout that works for their needs.
BoardSafe’s rowing docks are stable and have a low profile of approximately 5″ freeboard. The quality design features 6160 heavy-duty, stainless-steel connection hinges, a modular track-style frame that allows easy additions of optional components and multiple layout options, synthetic lumber with a non-slip surface that is ground-rated, foam-filled black polyethylene floats, and optional upgrades including a marine grade black vinyl edge fender and an optional debris diverter protects the dock from floating debris often seen in river settings.
Read our articles:
What makes a dock a rowing dock?
What is low profile or freeboard for rowing docks?
Selecting a gangway for a rowing center
Considerations When Designing and Selecting Floating Docks for Rowing Centers