Ever innovating and improving their marine access products, BoardSafe Docks launches a new product: an aluminum floating dock with 8″ wide and 2″ thick pre-stressed concrete panels. The concrete is available in a natural concrete finish, woodgrain, exposed aggregate, or smooth finish. It can be stained with any number of standard options.
The rub rail is designed to keep boats from rubbing against the aluminum extrusion and causing damage to the boat.
This commercial product — the 50 Con series — is on a par with BoardSafe Docks’ standard 50 series. The idea came to fruition as a result of a client request, as well as in response to rising prices for aluminum and other raw materials.
The concrete deck panels prove to be as durable as other commercial products. This particular dock has 16″ of freeboard with no live load, and it weighs 23 pounds per square foot. BoardSafe can also manufacture floating docks with concrete decking and freeboard of 20″, 24″, and 28″, based on the specifications designated by each client.
BoardSafe Docks is the trusted dock engineer and rowing center designer and manufacturer for top national rowing teams, as well as a trusted partner for smaller projects. Learn more at BoardSafeDocks.com.