BoardSafe Docks is pleased to be recognized in Lehigh Valley Style Magazine as an option for accessible recreation for people of all abilities.
Cindy Ross, author, and her husband, Todd Gladfelter, an adaptive outdoor enthusiast, appreciate the adaptive features in BoardSafe’s Kayak Launch and Accessible Fishing Pier at Leaser Lake in Kempton, PA.
Cindy recognizes the need to improve accessibility to the great outdoors. She acknowledges Leaser Lake, Hawk Mountain, and other local trails for creating access to nature for everyone who wishes to participate in outdoor recreation.
One in four Americans lives with a disability; that’s 61 million people and one million people who require a wheelchair. Disabilities often keep people at home, but recent studies have recognized the therapeutic value of time spent in nature. You may read Cindy’s article here: Discover Why Accessible Nature is a Win for All.