Erie Canal Adaptive Kayak Launch Brockport
17 Feb

The Village of Brockport installed its BoardSafe Adaptive Kayak Launch in June 2021 to accommodate truly inclusive paddling. The adaptive system is located in downtown Brockport along the Erie Canal. One of the challenges for this project was a nearly 20-foot-high concrete wall along the entire area, meaning the…

Hospitality and heritage bring hundreds of thousands of tourists to the Erie Canal each summer. They come from near and they come from far, attracted to the region by different activities: biking, paddling, camping, hiking, shopping, sight-seeing, or simply to refresh and resolve to do absolutely nothing. The…

NY State Canal Hand-Launch Facility Design Guide
27 Jan

The NYS Canalway Water Trail with Universal Access offers paddlers a wealth of places to visit and sights to see. You'll navigate century-old locks, pass stunning stone aqueducts used to carry boats over rivers and streams in the 1800s; paddle alongside tugboats and cruisers; and experience narrow flatwater…